
Harvest 2012

Harvesting is finished now - or actually already some time. In our school potatoes and pumpkins are the main products. But because of the weather conditions during last summer our harvest wasn't that good. For the potatoes it was too wet. Through the whole summer and autumn the conditions weren't that good. The wetness caused rottening of the haulm and it couldn't develop as it should have. And, because of the wet soil it wasn't possible to do all the necessary treatment to the soil and crops. These reasons caused us about a quarter of the harvest we usually have! In average we have 15-20 t/ha. With our pumpkins the problem was a heavy hail. Within 5 minutes was 1/3 of the harvest destroid and the average of 18 t/ha - as we are used to - couldn't be reached. The quality of the products is still good, but the quantity is missing. Because of those reasons we are not able to keep that good earnings for our branches of agricultural as we were used to in the last years.

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