
Weatherconditions in Austria - May 2013

We had a fantastic week in Hungary. Everything was perfect – the programme was great, fantastic, interesting, amusing! - Food was delicious and more than enough and always mouthwatering - Surprises – there were many of them - Weather – sunny, warm and perfect
 … and now we are back at home and we are back to autumn and winter! It is TERRIBLE. Cold, cold and cold. At the moment (24 May 2013) it is about 4°C in the morning and 10-12°C during the day! It is grey in grey, rainy (snow down to 800m) and there is always a terrible cold wind. In some parts of Austria it hailed a few days ago and up to 90 % of the agricultural yield has been destroyed!
view from my home to Fügen - the white smoke on the right is from the "Feuerwerk"/Binder (=sawmill we visited)
view from my house in the direction to Rotholz
beautiful view on the mountains - where the Zillertal (=my home) meets the Inntal (=Rotholz)
The pictures show the only day (22 May) with a bit of sunshine in the early morning in the last days. For farming and agriculture is the weather not a big problem. Most farmers did already some hay harvesting or producing silage from the first grass. In the mountains – on our alms – everything is so far OK. The snow from winter is gone and the frass grew well so far. So it looks as if the farmers can bring their animals pretty soon (end of May, beginning of June) on the alms. At school is still everybody happy how things are going on – on our fields, in the orchard. But now it is really important that weather is going to change. We need warmth and sunshine for our forage crops, winter wheat, pumpkins, fruits and berries. So we will see how it is going on the next time.

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