
New Years costums

Most of us live close to Rotholz in the so called "Zillertal". One of our tourist attractions is the old steam train. There is always a special train on New Years Eve. It's nicely decorated and people can have a party on the train. In some of the railwaystations are music groups playing and there you can even dance. It is really a very special and nice thing celebrating the last day of the year in this way. I took some pictures in front of our school from the train this morning so that everybody can have a look at it. Happy New Year to all the nice participants of our project!!!
the church from the village Eben is in the background
Rotholz and the school are still in the shadow but up in the mountains ....
the steamtrain Zillertal Bahn-Sylvesterzug is on its way
the steamtrain just in front of the school - Happy New Year 2013
with full power into the year 2013
there are so many carriages that they need two locomotives - one on each end

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