

One of our company branches is the chicken stable. We have 200 hens in „Freilaufhaltung“. They also get organic food so that even our eggs are organic. The girls from the home-economics school take care of the hens. They feed them, take the eggs and check if everything is fine there. The chickens need a humidity of 50% and the temperature should be between 12-28°C. Light is very important for the egg-production too and there is a special ventilator in the stable because of all the amoniak in the manure. The stable was build in 2008. That was a special programm from the 3rd classes. We sell the eggs in our farmers market every Friday. We have to sell all the hens in June because of the long summer holidays. It‘s not very clever when we think economically but it‘s one of the troubles a school has to handle.

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